Going live of a new web application for the ESF and the state funding programs in Rhineland-Palatinate

As part of an official award procedure, the ECG was commissioned in May 2021 with the implementation of a central monitoring system for the implementation of the operational program of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. This should serve the implementation of the funding period 2021-2027 (OP) and must therefore meet all requirements of the relevant legal provisions and the implementation strategies derived from them.

The EDP support system, which was implemented by the ECG in a record-breaking development time of only 3.5 months, is used for electronic funding case processing (according to grant law), but also for the implementation of certain work processes that are carried out by the administration as part of the ESF implementation.

Image: Sculpture in front of the Mainz town hall by Holger Schuéon Pixabay

European Consulting Group